The three boys to steal the car to find the police in the car

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Recently, in the America St Petersburg Florida, three teenagers to car, open the door after the discovery of plainclothes police sitting in the car. The three teenagers are facing charges of theft.
It is reported, the police is responsible for the site of the area of the patrol, before it has received the report, said there are several wandering juvenile others open car door in the vicinity. At that time, the policeman sitting in the car, the door is open, found three teenagers, two 13 and 15 year old girl, a 14 year old boy. The three teenagers was arrested.
Police spokesman Mike Pei gas said: "sometimes the case when you are found, party." It is reported, one of them tried to escape the young in addition to face theft charges, will also face other charges. Before the three teenagers had stolen cars.

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