Composite structure design of IKO bearing

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Rolling bearing IKO mechanical parts production, and the manufacture precision requirements are very strict, technical specialization degree is high, so the IKO bearing varieties for most readily available, should buy more cost-effective than repair, only in the following cases, before considering the repair problem of IKO bearing, i.e.:
(1) a lot of the same type of IKO bearings used in large factories, the main failure modes of rolling surface wear, fatigue and fretting wear, especially the damaged parts for the cage or a rolling body, but still have value to repair ring or washer;
(2) the large and very large IKO bearings, or has failed and no significant damage on the failure parts, or precious IKO bearing must try to prolong the effective use of;
(3) some really difficult to buy IKO bearing varieties, after the failure of no spare parts to repair, especially IKO bearing imports;
(4) the IKO bearings have minor injuries, minor scale such as inventory during the transportation process, and the slight fretting wear, this kind of easy repair and hesitate to discard sth..
Besides economics, IKO bearing repair and its technology, which requires the repairer to fully understand the technical requirements of IKO bearing the corresponding, and characteristics of IKO bearings and parts in the structure, process and material, otherwise very difficult to ensure that the IKO bearing repair has desirable effect.
A, IKO bearing repair economic benefit
In general, IKO bearing less variety, large quantity, high price of single IKO bearings, IKO bearing has the advantages of simple structure or. Large size, then repair cost is relatively lower, higher economic benefit.
In addition, running on IKO bearing to be monitored, there are plans to be repaired before IKO bearing failure, can have a multiplier effect. Follow the reasonable process, the use of efficient repair equipment and tools, and help to obtain the professional IKO bearing factory, all help to improve economic benefit.
Two, and professional IKO bearing enterprise cooperation benefits
Users in the repair of IKO bearing business, if can obtain the professional IKO bearing enterprise cooperation, will probably get the following benefits:
(1) requirements can each process clear repair technology, and how to ensure the overall quality of the repair of IKO bearing,
(2) can use many specialized professional experience in IKO bearing factory, these experiences can be reliably, efficiently and economically meet the process requirements;
(3) to a professional IKO bearing company ordered card die, borrow for repair business, may be more economical and save a lot of trouble;
(4) can be ordered to professional companies such as IKO bearing cage, rolling body, rivets and other accessories, may make the repair work is simple and convenient and economy


234407BM 234706BM 234406BM 517/2860V/YA 5610/2500 517/1720X1V 527/1181M 510/1180M 517/930 510/670 590/560 510/500 52780 59080 517/368M 51760U 517/238 6207-2ZN 6206-2ZN 6205-2ZN 6204-2ZN 6203-RZ 6203-2ZN 6202N 6202-2ZN 6201-2ZN 6200ZZ 6200-2ZN 62/32-ZN 62/32-Z 62/32N 62/32-2Z 62/32-2RZ 62/32-2RS 62/28-2RZ 62/22-2RZ 61996 61992 61988 61984


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