Rolling down to check the

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Regular checks bearing the bearing seal is maintained in optimum condition is very important. The most favorable time is scheduled for periodic inspection outage inspection period.
    Clean the importance of bearing :
    Bearings and lubrication to keep clean is very important.
    Check before you must first clean the surface of the machine , then remove the bearing surrounding parts. Seal is very fragile parts, so need to be careful disassembly , do not use excessive force , then carefully check the seal and its surrounding parts , if the poor have shown symptoms , be sure to replace the lost, poor seal can cause the bearings damage and lead to equipment downtime .
    Check lubricant
    Stained point lubricant friction between two fingers , if contaminants can feel it, or coated with a thin layer of lubricant on the back of the hand and seal rays.
    Replace the lubricant
    Oil lubricated bearings in the old oil spilled in addition , if possible , and then poured fresh oil and let the machine at low speed rotation minutes. Residual oil to collect as much as possible contaminants , and then spilled addition to the oil , the oil in the best first filtered before use .
    Grease grease lubricated bearings should be replaced with a cotton material to avoid any contact with the bearing part , because these residual fibers may be wedged in between the rolling elements and cause damage , especially small bearing applications need more Note that this problem.
    Bearing cover exposed
    Check the bearing , do not let the bearings are exposed to environmental pollutants or moisture . If the work is interrupted, should be oiled paper or similar material covered with plastic film machine .
    If cleaning without masking the bearing under check is performed without removing the case may , be applied with a brush to coat with oil solvents (white spirit) washing , then a lint-free cloth or compressed air ( Be careful not to let the bearing assembly starting rotation ) .
    In a small mirror and a probe similar to that used by the dentist to check the orbital plane bearing retainer and beads. If the bearing is not damaged , it should be based on recommendations provided by the lubrication of machine instructions to perform the original re-lubrication .
    Encryption can not be cleaned or dust cover bearing ; just wipe the outer surface of the can.
    If the bearing was damaged situations that need to be replaced. Losses due to the sudden shutdown of the bearing than bearing damage caused by the replacement of more economic and more in the periodic maintenance shutdown period .

234407BM 234706BM 234406BM 517/2860V/YA 5610/2500 517/1720X1V 527/1181M 510/1180M 517/930 510/670 590/560 510/500 52780 59080 517/368M 51760U 517/238 6207-2ZN 6206-2ZN 6205-2ZN 6204-2ZN 6203-RZ 6203-2ZN 6202N 6202-2ZN 6201-2ZN 6200ZZ 6200-2ZN 62/32-ZN 62/32-Z 62/32N 62/32-2Z 62/32-2RZ 62/32-2RS 62/28-2RZ 62/22-2RZ 61996 61992 61988 61984


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