Sudden military coup in Thailand

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Thai army chief Palestinian sterile 22 afternoon announced that the national army to take over power . Thai Army Commander Pakistan sterile published 22 afternoon televised speech , announced the establishment of the armed forces and the police formed the " National Commission on maintaining stability " , from 16:30 local time began to take over state power to stop caretaker functions.

Yu said Pakistani military by promoting political reform to restore order , called on the people as usual life , civil servants to perform their duties properly . Yu said the Pakistani military is attempting to maintain public safety needs, Thailand Thailand will protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners continue to maintain friendly relations with foreign countries.

Western media said the military coup in Thailand has become " not the way " political baggage opposing political factions now removed completely fall into the hands of the military , and the military government often equated with dictatorship . " The end of democracy in Thailand ." Western disappointed with this knee-jerk reaction bluntly , helplessly watching their model of democracy in Southeast Asia to support the establishment of a dead end again.
Although the coup was announced too suddenly , but Thai people seem very calm, common interpretation of the outside world , in the past 80 years, a military coup occurred 19 times the experience has made them " accustomed " and even become indifferent .

Thailand Chulalongkorn University Ti Dinan international relations scholars believe that the Thai political conflicts have irreconcilable , " all parties feel that it would finally win ," but objectively speaking, in the endless crisis Thai people are the losers. American scholars have suggested that wallow in stagnant Thailand, why not learn the " Book of Changes" try to work ?

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