Private investors increasingly keen on Ally shares

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To ally has been rising demand financial stocks, investors pay more and more high price in the signal, the U.S. government may in this year to sell its remaining stake in recent private deals in auto loans, according to people familiar with the situation said.Ally financial have been hoping that, because at least on the market in 2011.But so far, investors, forcing its during the financial crisis for 170 billion in government aid, including bad home loans in the residential investment department of subprime mortgage problems also frighten not light.As residential capital prepared from bankruptcy, hedge funds have become more and more problems have clean, comfortable, Ally and traded in two private purchase shares of the company.The deal signals, namely the government, the government still owns about 64% of the Allies, may also find that the stock needs better than the public markets.Even if it is not, it may be able to sell their shares to private investors, bankers and executives said."There are probably enough demand in the private market to the ministry of finance," chief executive Michael carpenter said, with analysts conference calls on November 5th.


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