French deploy armoured vehicles at Bangui airport amid heavy gunfire

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Heavy weapons fire spark panic on Wednesday in the capital, Bangui, prompt the airport of French troops deployed armored vehicles, tens of thousands of residents, including from the deadly sectarian violence take refuge in nearby.Related to the caseThe central African President let peace again called for AFPPeacekeepers fired c.a. frica protesters, one person was killed in the AFPC. protests by muslims in Africa French AFPIn the CAR the French intervention in danger, but the important thing: Mr Hollande AFPIn the central African republic killing two French soldiers AFPVehicles accepted a position at the entrance of the airport, which the French and African peacekeepers, after automatic weapons fire and explosion rocked the several parts of the city.Gunfire subside as the night wore on, in the peace of tension, residents are trying to solve the increasingly unreliable electricity and telephone connection capital out of the way.Tens of thousands of people were housed in unstable situation on the ground, because the former French colony of the outbreak of sectarian bloodshed earlier this month, claimed hundreds of lives.Automatic weapons fire, much of the heavy machine guns, was heard, but obviously not at the airport.This is particularly intense in nearby PK12 area.Hundreds of panicked residents fled the area can be found on foot to Bangui central.To chaotic scenes, others seek to join the displaced have been at the airport, by the French soldiers manning sandbags behind supervision in combat positions.


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