Apple rolls out iPhone trade-in program in U.S. stores

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Apple has launched a trade in their old models of the iPhone, its retail stores in the United States program, as it gears to launch a new version of the smartphone, it said on Friday.

Apple spokesman said Apple will give customers credit for their old mobile phones to buy a new model to be used.

A booming industry exists in older versions of smart phones, especially the iPhone, sites such as eBay and gazelles. Even broken iPhone resell them in the United States and international manufacturers, can be sold for up to 125.

Gazelle Chief Executive Israel Ganot estimates using smart phones and tablet PCs in the U.S. market will reach $ 1.4 billion by 2015.

"So, there are multiple players is obviously a huge opportunity," he said.

Apple shares fell nearly 1 percent to $ 487.46.

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