Common in the industrial processing of polishing technology

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1,Mechanical polishing mechanical polishing by cutting, remove the plastic deformation of the material surface the protrusion is polished and smooth surface polishing method, general Whetstone Article wool round, sandpaper, etc., mainly manual, special parts such as rotarybody surface, you can use the turntable aids, high surface quality requirements can be used Superfinishing throwing. The Superfinishing throwing a special abrasive polishing liquid containing abrasive, pressed in the workpiece is machined surface for high-speed rotary motion. Using this technology can achieve a surface roughness of the Ra0.008μm various polishing method. Optical lens mold often use this method.

2,Chemical polishing chemical polishing surface micro-projections of some of the more concave part of the material in the chemical medium priority dissolved, resulting in a smooth surface. The main advantage of this method is that no complicated equipment, the complex shape of the workpiece can be polished can be polished simultaneously lot of artifacts, high efficiency. Chemical polishing the core problem is the preparation of the polishing liquid. Chemical polishing to obtain a surface roughness of the general number of 10μm.

3 electrolytic polishing electrolytic polishing basic principles and the same, i.e. the surface of the dissolved material rely on selective chemical polishing minor projecting portion to make the surface smooth. Compared to chemical polishing, can eliminate the impact of the cathodic reaction, the better.

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