Note on the use of composite crusher bearings

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First, the correct choice in the choice of rotor-bearing model. Double row radial spherical roller bearings with bearing capacity, aligning performance advantages in the choice of when the use of such bearings as rotor bearings. In addition, the calculation of selected bearing life of 5000 ~ 10000h appropriate.

Second, to improve the composite crusher bearing force status. The role of impact load on the bearing depends on the impulse acting on the rotor and bearing support flexibility. Increased bearing support flexibility, will reduce the role of impact loading on the bearings. To this end, we added in between the bearing and the support frame of the appropriate thickness of rubber sheet in order to improve the bearing support flexibility. Added a rubber sheet, increasing the support flexibility to absorb part of the vibrational energy, to improve the bearing force status, to achieve the purpose of extending the service life.

234407BM 234706BM 234406BM 517/2860V/YA 5610/2500 517/1720X1V 527/1181M 510/1180M 517/930 510/670 590/560 510/500 52780 59080 517/368M 51760U 517/238 6207-2ZN 6206-2ZN 6205-2ZN 6204-2ZN 6203-RZ 6203-2ZN 6202N 6202-2ZN 6201-2ZN 6200ZZ 6200-2ZN 62/32-ZN 62/32-Z 62/32N 62/32-2Z 62/32-2RZ 62/32-2RS 62/28-2RZ 62/22-2RZ 61996 61992 61988 61984


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