China and Japan into "the Diaoyu Islands equations

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First, the Japanese government limited choice


Noda, July 7, Japanese Prime Minister claims, preparing to nationalize the Diaoyu Islands, Japan, Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara said in an interview with reporters on the morning of July 7, Noda Prime Minister sent the Prime Minister on July 6 adjuvant official (Assistant), Long Island Zhao Long and Deputy Chief of Cabinet to Tokyo Metropolitan Government, conveyed to him the decision to the government stepped in to the acquisition of the Diaoyu Islands, the implementation of the islands nationalization ". Ishihara, two senior government officials also said that consultations with the "owner" of the island.


Japan to adopt the policy of "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands, which lead to criticism and criticism of public opinion at home and abroad, but from a practical standpoint, the Japanese government in addition to "nationalization", little other choice.


The Diaoyu Islands, three islands owned by a family who lives in Saitama Prefecture, lent to the Japanese government loan in the form government lease contract expires in March next year maturity, the Japanese government will be unable to Diaoyu Islands management and control , and Tokyo have contributed nearly $ 1.3 billion to buy the island capital, such as the Japanese Government does not take what measures the Diaoyu Islands will fall to the Ishihara hands, Shintaro Ishihara opinion, he as the head of a place, without any diplomatic responsibility, Sino-Japanese relations trouble The more stiff, the greater his stage show, and he will be happy, such as the island off the his hands, he may take the lead in the landing, housing repair housing, and encamped Sapporo Village, the Sino-Japanese relations upside down, the central government also could not reach him.


In 2002, the Japanese government leased the Diaoyu Islands news came after China two governments protested the Japanese government stressed the Diaoyu Islands are Japanese territory "in the public conversation only. But a senior diplomatic sources said in private: the reason why the Japanese government to lease the Diaoyu Islands, around the Diaoyu Islands issue, right-wing landing in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong people landed on the island such as.


The island owners reluctant to become involved contradictions, hopes to sell the islands. The Japanese Government does not wish they sold the islands to unidentified people, for example, sold to right-wing groups, or sold to people overseas, such as Taiwan and China mainland - which in theory is possible. The best way is to the Japanese government bought, but it also brings many problems, such as buy it in the end owned by which ministries and agencies in the possession. The Japanese government realized that to buy the island was difficult, being of these islands rent down in order to maintain the stability of the Diaoyu Islands. The Japanese do not want to cause the Japanese and the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, the tension between the Diaoyu Islands issue.


From this perspective, the government rented a few islands, so that the Diaoyu Islands in the rental period will not be sold to a third party, and the same time, if the right-wing groups landed on the island, previously required the approval of the owner, must also be in the Government lease government approval, the government leased to prevent all kinds of trouble is the most effective measures, not only to Japan, China and Taiwan are favorable.


Noda government bought the island out for such a consideration is not known, but can not say that the Japanese government did not fear regardless of national diplomacy "off stiff Mustang Ishihara, purchased the island after.


To this end, the Government of Noda July 12 to develop a policy: do not agree with the Tokyo Prefecture register Diaoyu Islands apply. It is reported that the Tokyo Metropolitan area, said to "acquisition" Diaoyu Islands, you must first landing measurement, otherwise it is impossible to price.


The Japanese government said the smooth and stable maintenance management "for the purpose in March 2013 and the so-called land of the Diaoyu Islands" have "signed a contract to manage the island.

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